
Neighbors sue widow of Lay

From Times Wire Reports

The neighbors of the widow of Enron Corp. founder Kenneth L. Lay have sued her, accusing her of not paying her share of fees associated with living in one of Houston’s most exclusive high-rises.

Linda Lay is already fighting an attempt by the federal government to seize nearly $13 million from Kenneth Lay’s estate, including the family condominium at the Huntingdon.

The lawsuit by the Huntingdon Council of Co-Owners seeks more than $100,000 in unpaid fees from Linda Lay or foreclosure on her condo, which tax records value at about $4.75 million.


In court documents, Linda Lay’s attorney, David Jones, denied all the allegations in the high-rise’s lawsuit and asked that she be awarded her costs for fighting the claims.

Kenneth Lay was convicted in May 2006 of 10 counts of fraud, conspiracy and lying to banks in two separate cases, but his convictions were vacated because of his July 2006 death from heart disease.
