
Farmhouse draws praise, scorn

I enjoyed your story “Not a Scrap of Gingham,” March 13, about a modern farmhouse in Studio City. It’s nice to see great design coupled with “cost-saving” ideas and materials.

Mary Jane Headlee

Santa Barbara


I’m sorry that Vanessa Choy and Andrew Wong were unable to find a house in Brentwood or Westwood, because it would have spared our neighborhood of their oversized house. The house is a good demonstration of the problem of specifying the house size relative to the lot size. Although the house may cover “only a quarter” of the lot, its appearance is much greater because it sits on a corner lot with minimal landscaping to mitigate its size. The statement that they chose the peaked roof to blend with the neighborhood is laughable. It’s a 6,200-square-foot house in a neighborhood that has historically had houses in the 1,500- to 2,000-square-foot range and is transitioning to 3,000- to 3,500-square-foot houses. The mark of good architecture is to build a structure that harmonizes with the site. Theirs doesn’t.

Bruce Horn

Studio City


THE reporter, Craig Nakano describes the home as a “farmhouse style.”

Since when does a facade that looks three stories high and has a few tiny windows remind him of a farmhouse? It looks more like a Whole Foods.


The architect-owners devoted most of their talents to creating a beautiful inner sanctuary with no regard to the exterior facade. Shame on them.

Margo Lea

Studio City


I’d like to have the same shame. Very nice home.

Rick Soto

Los Altos
