
Wright, wrong and Jonah

Re “Why Wright is wrong,” Opinion, March 18

Jonah Goldberg seems riled about the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. and his controversial statements as relating to Barack Obama. AIDS was invented by the government? That’s so 1980s.

Goldberg states, “Real unity requires real truth-telling and the ability to tell right from wrong.” As a white American who bleeds red and is blue from the horrible lies we’ve been fed, I wouldn’t mind seeing Wright spending a few nights in the Lincoln bedroom.

Frederick Cleveland

Los Angeles

As a black man, it has been comforting to know that there will always be someone like Goldberg ready to step forward at the critical moment to tell us how to behave. Obama has addressed the issue of Wright and said he doesn’t speak for him. Nothing Obama does, short of quitting the Democratic race, will please Goldberg. But here’s a news flash: Obama is still standing and not allowing Goldberg to define him.


Bruce Talamon

Los Angeles

Obama is not a closet racist who hates whites or Latinos but another vote-pandering politician, which is why I won’t vote for him. He used the influence of the racist Wright to solidify the black vote for him to become a senator from Illinois. To get the white and black vote in the Ohio primary, he bashed the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was a veiled bashing of Latinos, and that is why he didn’t send his anti-NAFTA mailers to Texas because many Democrats there are Latinos. Based on his political behavior, I’m sure Obama’s next tactic will be to whitewash his association with Wright by playing up his own white ancestry.

Ina Logan

Long Beach

Does Goldberg have any inkling that his right-wing views are just as extremist as the left-wing views of Wright? I don’t think so. I wouldn’t want to see a weekly article by Wright in the Opinion section. Once in awhile, OK. Once in a great while, even better. Likewise with Goldberg.

Bill Coleson

