
Zev vs. Antonio? Not a likely contest

Political junkies yearning for a Villaraigosa/Yaroslavsky mayoral slugfest in 2009 will have to look elsewhere, The Times’ David Zahniser reports.

Zev Yaroslavsky spoke at a lunch Monday (chicken kabobs, tortilla soup) sponsored by the Los Angeles Current Affairs Forum. Zahniser asked whether county supervisor is the last political job Yaroslavsky plans to hold.

“As long as people will have me, and as long as I feel I can make a difference. . . . I’ll keep doing it,” Yaroslavsky said.


Which means he hopes to remain a county supervisor until 2014, when term limits will force him out.

Yaroslavsky’s been complaining lately about traffic and development in the city, sure triggers for the chattering classes to see him on a mayoral ballot against Antonio Villaraigosa. With a few dozen lobbyists, lawyers and reporters in the audience, he’s pretty much on the record as not planning a mayoral bid in the near future.

-- Veronique de Turenne


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