
Nothing but spin from McCain

Re “McCain tempers his war message,” March 27

I was all set to thank The Times for the front-page article on Sen. John McCain’s speech to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles because it so ably demonstrates his practice of changing his message according to his audience while continuing to be indistinguishable in his votes from the Bush Republicans. Imagine my shock when The Times characterized this as a turning point rather than a calculated trust that his audience has the memory of a hamster. Insult is added with the quote, “Democrats, who have sought to portray McCain as a reckless militarist, charged after the speech that his embrace of diplomacy was fraudulent.”

I suppose that since McCain did not break out into another rendition of “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,” he has reformed his own militarism.

Winsor Crosby

Long Beach


Listening to McCain’s speech before the World Affairs Council made my brain hurt. In the speech, he admonished America to listen to our democratic ally nations. Would that be all those same nations that have been crying out, for months now, “Surge? Are you people nuts?”


Susan North

Los Angeles
