
Where’s the help for newborns?

Re “Program for surrender of infants languishes,” April 30

What a shame that California’s “safe surrender” program has little funding and no state agency to oversee its valuable mission.

How about the Catholic Church taking over this important task? It encourages a high birthrate by prohibiting birth control.

I know, I know, the church is in financial distress, with all of the legal bills for the priest molestation cases. But the dumping of newborns is a tragic problem to which it indirectly contributes. With parishes throughout Los Angeles, the church could get the word out and promote the program’s benefits.


Anne Wold

Rancho Palos Verdes


Where are the “pro-life” activists? Why aren’t they marching for funds to save the safe-surrender program?

Oh, I forgot, they are only interested in protecting the “unborn” -- the born are on their own.

Patricia L. Moore

Los Angeles
