Wii, the workout; a ‘Square Pegs’ disc
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We all will be talking about: Wii Fit. Who knows? Your little brother might soon be asking you how to master downward facing dog. With the arrival of Wii Fit, Nintendo’s hotly anticipated exercise video game, gamers can now squeeze in aerobics, muscle toning and yoga between rounds of Mario Kart. But this should all be old news to you by now. Amazon.com is already backed up with pre-orders. Hope you thought ahead! (Wednesday)
Please talk about: “Square Pegs.” Before Judd Apatow gave us the all-too-painfully-true coming-of-age comedies “Freaks and Geeks” and “Undeclared,” there was “Square Pegs,” starring a very pre-”Sex and the City” Sarah Jessica Parker as a bespectacled high school teen trying to become popular. The season-long series, now on DVD, lets you reminisce about growing up in the early ‘80s without actually reliving it. (Tuesday)
You might be talking about: Julianne Hough. Scarlett Johansson is not the only blond screen star releasing a music album this week. And the country debut from Hough, better known as a two-time “Dancing With the Stars” champ, may even outsell her movie star counterpart; her single “That Song in My Head” is rapidly climbing the country Billboard chart and iTunes music video lists.
You should not be talking about: “Postal.” The latest film from German director Uwe Boll is a terrorism satire that, we kid you not, features actors playing Osama bin Laden and George W. Bush. (Friday)
-- Denise Martin