
The politics of space

Re “JPL’s lucky star?” Opinion, May 25

The stunningly successful landing Sunday of the Phoenix on Mars means it is time to erase the question mark regarding Jet Propulsion Laboratory Director Charles Elachi.

As we celebrate the achievements of the amazing team of talented men and women at JPL who make the most difficult and complex tasks appear easy, we should be inspired by their enthusiasm and can-do spirit.

Rep. David Dreier

(R-San Dimas)

I am disheartened to learn what it means to be JPL director. How did a purely scientific position become so political? Space exploration and discovery once stoked the imaginations and aspirations of our country. Now the actions and motives of our scientists require a political spin.


JPL’s research requires our unremitting financial and moral support. No one can say for sure what the fruits of its labor will be.

The only certainty is that everyone can claim victory if JPL isn’t being molested by bureaucrats.

Tony Stout

