
CSU applications for fall term surge

With only a month to go for the most popular campuses, applications for fall 2009 are surging in the California State University system.

As of midnight Thursday, first-time freshman applications to the system’s 23 campuses were up 12% from the same date a year before, and transfer applications were up a whopping 36% A total of 138,000 applications had been submitted.

Transfer students were deferred last year because of cutbacks, which explains some of the bubble.


But some men and women undoubtedly are shifting from the University of California or out-of-state colleges to Cal State for economic reasons, Cal State spokeswomen Clara Potes-Fellow said.

The application deadline for Long Beach, Fullerton, San Diego and Sonoma states, and for Cal Poly Pomona and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, is Nov. 30. Other campuses officially shut down March 1.

If there are more budget cuts, or if the campuses fill up, those schools could close any time after Nov. 30, Potes-Fellow said.


“We are really trying to drive that message home, that it’s much safer to apply now,” Potes-Fellow said.
