
Blogs bogging you down? Alltop awaits

Leo is a freelance writer

It can be a chore to stay on top of all the travel blogs out there. Even if you’re Web savvy enough to customize an aggregator or load up your Google RSS feeder, do you remember to look at it? They are easy to forget, posts back up and news gets old. But now is here with its big green cape to save you.

What’s hot: This is the ultimate experience in news scan-ability. Travel.Alltop lists 133 of the best travel blogs and includes headlines to the blog’s five most recent posts all on one page. Just scroll down the page and read the latest from Rick Steves’ blog, as well as Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler’s the Perrin Post, the Cranky Flier and FareCompare’s Rick Seaney (and the L.A. Times). Don’t stop at the travel category. If you are taking a trip to a specific country, Alltop might have a page devoted to that region. Visit, and click “Geos” to get the news from a variety of countries, cities and states including China, Ireland, Turkey, Dubai, Mexico, Hawaii, Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

What’s not: I’m still hoping there are plans for a “My Alltop” function where I can customize a singular page that combines several Alltop pages. If I could combine a travel page with select Geo pages, plus my favorite topics from Living, Culture and Tech pages, I’d be even happier. If you are trying to use Alltop instead of your RSS feeder and see one of your favorite blogs missing, just let Alltop know. The site is open to considering new additions.



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