
Better theory for algebra

Re “A new formula for algebra,” editorial, Oct. 31

Thank you for the clear and informative editorial that makes such an excellent case for rescinding the eighth-grade algebra requirement. When I heard there would be more education cuts, I wondered how Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the state Board of Education were going to justify keeping the mandate.

My two children are both taking algebra, but one is in middle school and the other is in high school. They are learning algebra at the right time for each of them. My older teenager is not bothered by learning algebra at the same time as the younger sibling.

Maureen Discipulo

Redondo Beach


Algebra in eighth grade is vital for students who would pursue a career in science or engineering because it puts them on track for calculus in high school.


However, sending all eighth-graders to algebra classes has had tragic consequences. Half the students cannot understand the concepts. Most teachers feel compelled to teach to the bottom of the class, but the struggling students are unable to catch up. The diverse needs of the students and rigorous standards are sacrificed.

The solution is to make algebra classes available to all eighth-graders who are able or willing -- while adhering strictly to rigorous standards. And allow acceleration beyond this only for the few who can continue to score “advanced.” Slower-paced or remedial math classes should remain available for all other students.

George Harpole

