
Bid for this and you can be living large

The final road uniform Babe Ruth wore as a first base coach for the 1938 Brooklyn Dodgers is up for auction.

How can bidders be sure the uniform is authentic?

Take one look at the size.

“The enormous size of the pants [proves] that Babe Ruth truly was larger then life,” said David Hunt, president of Hunt Auctions, which is running the sale.

Trivia time

Who is the highest-paid player in the NFL this season?

No-pace car

Two-time NASCAR Cup champion Tony Stewart has been chosen grand marshal for the Fiesta Bowl parade in Phoenix on Jan. 3, the first driver to be so honored.


Fiesta Bowl Executive Director John Junker had a warning for Stewart: “We do have one rule,” Junker said. “There is no passing in the parade.”

Presidential thoughts

Seattle Seahawks Coach Mike Holmgren says he was so pumped by Barack Obama’s presidential triumph that he was tempted to talk to his struggling team about it, then thought better of it.

“Right now,” Holmgren told the Associated Press, “I want them to think about how to get a first down.”


Dear dairy

Minnesota Vikings safety Darren Sharper, to the St. Paul Pioneer Press, on what he remembers most from his years with the Green Bay Packers: “A lot of cheese.”

Trivia answer

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, who will make $27.7 million in 2008, including a $25.2-million signing bonus that was part of his off-season contract renegotiation.

And finally

Shaquille O’Neal reveals the secret to being Shaq: “When I say and do things, it’s all about marketing. Everyone will miss my ‘quotatiousness’ when I’m gone.”
