
Beautiful biofuel

Re “Town misses the ethanol boom,” Nov. 18

Your article on ethanol plants in Indiana paints an incomplete picture of the state’s biofuels producers. It’s true that some ethanol plants are facing tough times -- but many industries are experiencing challenges in the slowing economy.

Ethanol is bringing good news to many towns in Indiana and across the country. This fall, Poet, the largest ethanol producer in the world, opened its third plant in Indiana, creating hundreds of jobs throughout the state. We’ll open our first pilot-scale cellulosic facility, which will make ethanol from corn cobs, in South Dakota next month.

At each plant ribbon-cutting, the atmosphere is optimistic because people know they’re participating in a cause much greater than themselves -- they’re producing America’s best renewable fuel: homegrown biofuels that are reliable today and that will help grow our economy, increase our energy independence and green our environment.


Jeff Broin

Sioux Falls, S.D.

The writer is CEO of Poet.
