
Bush-bashing days are ending

Re “Dubya’s land mines,” Opinion, Nov. 20

Rosa Brooks’ latest round of Bush-bashing is beyond absurd. I suppose she just couldn’t help herself and had to get in a few more kicks before Dubya rides off into the sunset.

But by all accounts (including the Obama team’s), the transition of power in the executive branch is progressing smoothly and on schedule.

Although it doesn’t seem to register with Brooks, Bush is still president for a couple more months and has the right and duty to fulfill his obligations to the office and to the country. He’s already been a gracious host to the incoming Obama family and has made every effort to ensure that the next administration will be able to hit the ground running.


We’re about to have one-party rule in this country. Along with a Democrat in the White House, the Democratic-controlled Congress will be calling the shots with little opposition. As we’ve seen in the past, when one group is in power and taking everybody in one direction, it has a tendency to lead us off a cliff.

The days of blaming George Bush for everything that’s wrong in the world are about to come to an end.

Charles Reilly

Manhattan Beach


Re “Bush vexes environmentalists with 11th-hour changes,” Nov. 21

Environmentalists may be outraged about some rule changes, but after enduring the Bush administration for nearly eight years, they should in no way be surprised. We will simply have a lot of work to undo.


Tyler Kokjohn

