
Fitting memorial

Re “The man who made S.F. modern,” Opinion, Nov. 23

Thank you for the fitting and beautiful memorial to San Francisco Mayor George Moscone. The day of the assassination of Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk will be forever seared in my memory.

Though I was born in Los Angeles and have lived my entire adult life here, I spent my teenage and college years in the Bay Area. I was in college at the time, and we still were reeling from the horrible news about the Jonestown mass suicides and the assassination of Rep. Leo Ryan. It seemed to me then that the world must be spinning out of control.

Milk may be remembered for his groundbreaking public role, especially now with the post-Proposition 8 furor and publicity over the bio-pic “Milk.” I hope that Moscone will be remembered as well.


Jody Litvak

Los Angeles
