
Bailout focus

Re “America’s muscle: Detroit steel,” Opinion, Nov. 23

Every time the bill comes to renew my subscription to The Times, I wonder if this is the time to cancel -- then I come across an article such as Ellen Slezak’s, and I renew. The story she tells reminds us of the importance of the auto industry to families across America and the decent future for them that the bailout will help ensure.

I support the bailout, although I feel it must come with new ideas. For example, the bailout should subsidize buying up American-made SUVs and replacing them with high-gas-mileage, low-pollution station wagons -- possibly hybrids. It also should subsidize the conversion of school buses to electric-powered vehicles. In both cases, the reduction of pollution and fuel usage would be significant.

There should be less emphasis on the amount of the bailout and more on its long-term effects.


Frank R. Tangherlini

San Diego
