
The problem of Pakistan

Re “Bush’s third war,” Opinion, Sept. 27

Andrew J. Bacevich omits one overriding reality: With our financial and economic system teetering on the brink of collapse, we can’t afford a third war, much less the two we now have. We will be forced to get out of Iraq, rein in the Pentagon’s drive to be able to project decisive power to any corner of the globe, and drastically reduce our global network of bases and the unlimited commitments that go with it. To sum up, we must revise our foreign and military policies to reflect our key national interests and what we can afford.

Benjamin Solomon

Evanston, Ill.

While recognizing dictator-President Pervez Musharraf and giving him more than $13 billion in aid to make him an ally was not prudent, it was done to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

However, during the last seven years of Musharraf’s rule, Pakistan has become the source of terrorist attacks and a sanctuary of the Taliban from Afghanistan. He has used these militants as part of his instrument of state policy for strategic depth in Afghanistan. Pakistan has become a menace not just for Afghanistan but to the world because of the resurgence, regrouping and redeployment of the terrorists, aided by Pakistan’s spy agency, ISI.


The urge to bring stability and democracy in Iraq has resulted in an almost near-defeat from the jaws of victory in Afghanistan.

Nobody wants another war, but nobody can be safe when thousands of terrorists are groomed to destroy democracy and peace.

Nirode Mohanty

Huntington Beach
