
Matters of life and death

Re “Golden Gate to get suicide net,” Oct. 11

I am continually perplexed by America’s mind-set.

We will employ extreme and costly measures to prevent someone who wishes to end his life from doing so. The decision to erect a wide steel netting beneath the entire Golden Gate bridge, to the tune of $50 million with a yearly maintenance cost of $78,000, in hopes of preventing some despondent soul from carrying out a desire to die is stunning to me.

The people who came up with this plan could be the very same who agree to send our young to a foreign land, machine guns in hand, to blow away innocent people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time -- and who have no desire whatsoever to die.

To kill those who have no wish to die is OK, but to allow someone who wants to die to carry out his wish is not? It’s one of the great American hypocrisies.


Sylvia Lewis Gunning

Thousand Oaks
