
Beach booze ban is a fine idea

Re “San Diego seeks sober beaches,” Oct. 27

Opponents of San Diego’s beach booze ban have run out of weak arguments and have resorted to spouting utter nonsense. One, claiming to speak on behalf of the Pacific Beach Town Council, told a radio station that the ban was “dreamed up by a bunch of do-gooders and wealthy beach-area property owners who want to privatize the beach. They don’t want people to come there.”

But Los Angeles County beaches have 50 million visitors annually, far more than San Diego city beaches. A beach with 50 million visitors is hardly “privatized.” Don’t forget that L.A. County beaches have been alcohol-free for years.

This last year, with a temporary ban in place, San Diego’s beaches have been a joy to visit, without the abusive binge drinkers who had come to dominate the beach.


Once Proposition D passes and our booze ban is permanent, we’ll no doubt see more visitors from L.A. and Orange County who want to escape the crowds. A bonus is that they won’t have to put up with obnoxious drunks, as in years past.

Nicole Sours Larson

San Diego
