
Camping, the Airstream way

While reading Dan Neil’s Airstream camping article [“Hi-Yo, Silver,” Aug. 31], I was reminded of a conversation I had with my wife about a return trip to San Felipe, Mexico, where we had camped on the beach.

When I asked whether she wanted to go again, she said, “Well, if you will do the shopping, pack the car, set up the camp, do the cooking, clean the dishes, unpack the car and do the laundry when we get home, I will go.”

Did we go? No.

What most men may not realize is that when a woman has to do more work on a camping trip than she would at home, it’s no vacation -- no matter how aerodynamic the vehicles.


Roger Newell

San Diego


As an RVer (but not a Airstreamer), I enjoyed Neil’s article. However, I was surprised by his “sailing along at an easy 65 mph.”

You are aware, aren’t you, that the speed limit in California for vehicles towing a trailer is 55 mph?

Robert Kroll

La Quinta


In October, we pulled a 1965, 19-foot Globetrotter Airstream from Minnesota (by way of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta) to California.


We pulled this trailer with a 2006 Honda Ridgeline, which pulled 4,000 pounds with no problems.

We have used our Airstream for pleasure trips and photo shoots and can’t say enough about how we have enjoyed the experience and the closeness of the Airstream community.

Don and Nancy Du Bose

Palm Springs
