
Media fairness and Sarah Palin

Re “Media on the defensive over Palin coverage,” Sept. 5

I find it interesting and a bit amusing that all of a sudden the media are on the defensive regarding the perception of bias.

Interesting, because could it possibly be that sometimes we are so entrenched in our beliefs that we are unable to see the whole picture? When do our beliefs become so ingrained in us, such a part of who we are, that instead of stating opinion, we argue that we are only stating obvious fact?

Amusing, because after reading your article (which, I might add, seemed to be without bias), I moved on to the next page to see the benign piece, “Stars flock to GOP’s new celebrity.” The article was written well and adequately conveyed the intended message.


What was particularly ironic was the last paragraph: “Some people might argue that the Democrats in the entertainment industry have been awakened by the selection of Palin; they’re even more determined in their support of Obama.”

Was this last bit fact or opinion? To me, it seems to shine the spotlight on the personal opinion of the author. But then again, possibly my beliefs are such a part of me that I only see what I am looking for.

Ann Bradley

Santa Clarita

One would think The Times’ Opinion page could publish some semblance of a positive conservative viewpoint following the historic speech of Gov. Sarah Palin. The speech was watched by 40 million people, many of whom were energized and pleasantly surprised by Palin’s character, honesty, humor, stage presence and, yes, her political experience.


What we got were three political cartoons portraying her as a gun-toting, Bible-believing, baby-clinging pariah and two cynical columns by Rosa Brooks and Gloria Steinem. Obviously both pieces must have been written before her national unveiling -- neither cited her talk.

Palin went a long way to answer her critics during a well-crafted and emotional speech at the RNC. But you had to visit the blogs to read opinions that said as much.

Is it any wonder big-city newspapers such as The Times are going the way of the caribou in Alaska?


Michael Parente

Woodland Hills

The media are totally within their rights to question the qualifications and history of any candidate -- Republican or Democrat. Especially in this case, in light of the fact that Palin could become president.

For the record, I am a registered Republican.

It amazes me how the media can be so easily manipulated by both parties. What happened to the days of fair, accurate reporting based on the facts and relevant issues?

Christopher Moore

