
Answers, please

Re “A Palin double standard,” Column, Sept. 10

Tim Rutten hits it on the nose that the concept of a double standard is nothing more than a political ploy.

One way to expose this stonewalling -- and Sarah Palin’s lack of preparedness -- is for Charles Gibson of ABC to ask questions about her views on religion’s place in our government, the environment and global warming, her command of international relations, her desire to remove books from a library and the firing of a commissioner who refused to do her bidding.

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain and every other candidate have been freely questioned over and over. What are the McCain campaign managers hiding?


If Palin’s handlers put preconditions on the interview, in any way, Gibson and ABC must refuse to do the interview. They should make it clear that Palin’s handlers would not open her up to examination and that the media have a right to report.

Jay Slater

Los Angeles
