
Kind words for Frank, Gail Zappa

REGARDING Lynell George’s piece [“Frank Zappa’s ‘Last Word,’ ” Sept. 21]: I saw Frank perform twice in my life. Both times were among my favorite concerts ever, even though I can’t say I was a huge fan of his music. I thought he meandered a bit much, but that was part of what made him great. Plus, he was never as good a guitarist as some fans made him out to be, and I was a bit off put by it.

Still, this article cemented for me what a fantastic composer and artist he was. I deeply admire Gail’s dedication to preserving, as accurately as possible, his legacy. That she didn’t listen to him when he told her to sell everything was one of the best things a wife can do.

Long live Frank Zappa!

Eric Potruch


MANY THANKS for the fine piece on Gail and Frank Zappa.

Although Frank’s music was delightfully entertaining, it was Frank’s statements on album covers, in concert on the radio and in the print media that helped me learn how to think for myself instead of swallowing propaganda whole. (Burp!)


For that I will always be grateful.

Bob Brown

Thousand Oaks
