
Resources on issue of later school day starts

A later start to the school day may sound good — but what about the inconvenience factor, and how do you get your school district to sign on?

“Eight Major Obstacles to Delaying School Start Times,” at the National Sleep Foundation’s website,, covers issues such as altered transportation schedules and the effect on after-school activities and on the time teachers have available to spend with their families.

“General Advocacy Tips for Changing School Start Times,” also at the sleep foundation website, provides information for those who want to see later start times implemented in their school district.

(In both cases, select “school start time” in the “sleep topics” menu.)

U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) introduced a bill, called the “Zzz’s to A’s Resolution,” which would recommend that secondary schools start the day no earlier than 9 a.m. It has been in the House committee on education and labor for more than a year.

—Emily Sohn
