
Remoxy, a new painkiller, again seeks appoval from the FDA

Remoxy may not have the name recognition of Percocet, but its makers say it has something Percocet and similar drugs don’t have -- little potential for addiction. They’ve asked, again, that the FDA approve Remoxy.

Like Percocet, Remoxy contains oxycodone, an opiate that Americans like quite a bit. Unlike other formulations, however, Remoxy employs a special controlled-release formula designed to limit its abuse.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that of 7 million Americans abusing prescription drugs in 2009, 5.3 million were abusing pain relievers. Here’s a report from the agency on prescription drug abuse statistics and another that explains the problem and treatment.


Those who abuse prescription drugs aren’t just patients, either. This Chicago Tribune story describes how healthcare professionals fall prey to such addiction too.

The FDA has six months to review the new application for Remoxy. Here’s what drug developer Durect Corp. says about the proposed painkiller and the recent statement of its reapplication.
