The Best Jumper Cables to Restart Your Car’s Battery
Juice Performance BC0860 20' 4 Gauge Ultimate Power Booster Cable -
Astro 9406 Hose Clamp Plier Set Jumper Cables -
DieHard Platinum Booster Jumber Cables -
AAA 4324AAA Medium Duty Jumper Cable -
Bayco SL301025 Booster Cable Extreme Duty 800 Booster Cable -
Buyer's Guide
When looking for the best jumper cables in 2022, the only option is quality. We can never predict when we will need them, but when we do, they better work. I've used different types of cables and unfortunately experienced a lack of quality in some sets. Having the clamp spring missing and trying to hold it tight while someone starts the car was all I needed to learn that quality is a priority in a set of cables. Blowing fuses, ruining batteries or damaging a vehicle's computer with bad or cheap cables is more common than you think. There are many different styles of cables and I tried to find the best ones out there today. Based on their safety features, ease of use and high quality, here are the best sets of cables on the market.
Comparing the Best Jumper Cables for 2022
Juice Performance BC0860 20' 4 Gauge Ultimate Power Booster Cable - Best Jumper Cable Overall
The Juice Performance BC0880 SafeGuard 16' 6 Gauge Booster Cable is the safest way to jump start your vehicle. There's been a countless number of times I have seen vehicles towed due to an issue with jump starting. Whether it was due to being jumped backwards or a clamp slipped loose, cheap cables can result to problems costing into the thousands. No matter if you're experienced or not these cables can be a life saver. With the zinc plated clinch lock ratcheting clamps and quick release button, it eliminates loose connections caused by worn springs in traditional type clamps. You can be sure of the best connection possible. It comes with a built in computer chip to ensure a vehicle's sensitive electrical system will be protected by detecting the flow of electricity before it travels to the battery. With this technology it makes jumping backwards impossible. The cables are 16 feet in length, which will give you extra flexibility when jump starting, making them great for most situations. The quality is better than any other set of smart cables I've seen. Especially due to the clamps and the thicker gauge of cable. The Juice Performance BC0880 SafeGuard 16' 6 Gauge Booster Cable will meet most needs from a compact car to a midsize truck/SUV. They take out all the guesswork while preventing any hazards.
Astro 9406 Hose Clamp Plier Set Jumper Cables - Runner Up
The ASTRO SP0616 Smart Plug is another great set of smart cables at a more affordable price. This set is aimed more towards cars and small trucks. They also come with 6 gauge cables but have a more compact design. They are smart cables but will not completely take the guess work out. The cables can be hooked up backwards but the built-in module will stop electrical currents and warn you with a red LED. If that happens just reverse the cables and all is good. There won't be any risk of damaged electrical components. The cables are 16 feet long which makes them great in most situations for front or rear mounted batteries. The clamps are less bulky than others which allows for flexibility when jumping from a jump start post, top or side mounted battery posts. The clamps may not be able to deliver enough amperage for full size trucks but it is a great set of jumper cables for cars and small pickups. At 16 feet in length these cables have the ability to do the job in most situations.
DieHard Platinum Booster Jumber Cables - Honorable Mention
DieHard Platinum Booster Cables are a best pick based on being an all-around great quality jumper cable. The cables come as a kit with gloves and safety glasses included. Which comes in handy since we all seem to end up with dirty hands when jump starting a car. It includes a case to keep all your items stored together. Made with 4 gauge copper wire these cables will give you the best conductivity and power transfer you could ask for. Jumping a full size truck would not be an issue while also flexible enough to be used in the tighter spaces of a compact car. A full 20 feet in length the DieHard Platinum Booster Cables give you a wide range of hookup possibilities, making highway jumping much safer. This also allows for jump starting from front or rear mounted batteries. Although they have a much higher price than your average set, the quality is well worth the price. Whether storing them in your trunk or laying in the bed of a pickup truck, the DieHard Platinum Booster Cables are definitely built to last.
AAA 4324AAA Medium Duty Jumper Cable - Consider
The AAA 4324AAA Medium Duty 12' 8 Gauge Booster Cable is the most straight forward basic set out there. What they lack in specialized features, it makes up for in quality. A set made to last many years. A great bargain set for those more experienced. Aimed towards small size cars. Corolla, Civic and Sentra drivers these are perfect jumper cables while staying on a budget. Backed by one of the most reputable companies today, you can't go wrong. They have solid red and black cables clearly visible to determine proper connection. The 8 gauge cable is great for all basic needs. The clamps are thin enough to fit both side and top mounted battery posts. The cables are 12 feet which is great for smaller cars and basic needs. There's not any impressive specifications on the AAA jumper cables but they will always get the job done.
Bayco SL301025 Booster Cable Extreme Duty 800 Booster Cable - Best Jumper Cables
Taking extreme to the max Bayco's extreme duty cables will handle any job you throw at them. Off road enthusiasts, campers, Truck Drivers this is a must have set. At 25 feet in length there isn't a situation these can't handle. Whether jump starting a motor home or a tractor they won't let you down. Although these jumper cables are the highest priced on the list, they are well worth the investment for those who might need a high amperage jump. Built with the thickest gauge available they can handle any battery. This is not a set that can be stored easily so be sure you have the extra space for them. Having such large cables and clamps it might be difficult to connect to smaller compact batteries but with a little effort you can usually get them on. For me just knowing I have a set that could jump start any vehicle out there makes it all worth it. So if you are looking for a high quality high amperage set this is what you need.
Buyer's Guide
Contrary to popular belief, not all jumper cables are the same. It is important to have the right set of jumper cables for your car, not only to avoid being stranded but to prevent incinerating the bonnet of your car while attempting to start your battery. Having a set of jumper cables in your car is a necessity. To help you choose the best jumper cables we’ve listed the most important factors you need to consider in making sure you are always well equipped for a car battery emergency. This is one piece of safety equipment you don’t want to skimp on.
What to Consider When Buying Jumper Cables
Cable Gauge
The jumper cable gauge determines how much electric current the cables are able to carry. The thickness of the jumper cables is measured in gauge, with low gauge numbers indicative of thicker cables. Thicker cables can transmit more electric current, therefore heavy-duty jumper cables are a better buy since there is a better chance they will work to jump start a car battery.
A higher number gauge will have a thinner wire. This means that the jumper cables may not be able to transmit enough electric current to start a car. The danger is that it can get too hot from the current which will ruin the cables and can cause sparking, fire, or in severe cases an explosion.
When buying jumper cables, the gauge should match the size of your vehicle. An RV, diesel engine, large truck, or SUV is suggested to have 1- or 2-gauge cables (35mm²), whereas 4 to 6-gauge cables (16mm²) will be suitable for a standard passenger sedan.
Cable Material
Copper Cables
When it comes to jumper cable material you want to look for 100% full copper cables for the following reasons:
Best Conductor
Copper is the best conductor with relatively low resistance. Aluminum, for example, has 1.5 times the resistance of copper. The energy transfer loss in the aluminum cable is, therefore, higher than in a copper cable. Copper cables are more energy efficient.
You will need jumper cables to be flexible when using them.
High Melting Point
Copper is one of the best options from a safety perspective as well since it has a high melting point. This means that if a surge or overload comes through the wire, it is less likely to melt or burn posing a lower fire risk.
With copper, you do not have to worry about surface oxides forming. It is highly durable and will last you and your vehicle a long time.
The only con to opting for pure copper cables is that they are more expensive.
Welding Cables
Welding cables are flexible, have a high temperature rating, supple insulation, and are oil resistant. They tend to be large gauge wires and can work well as jumper cables. Two types of cheap welding cables are copper clad aluminum (CCA) or steel (CCS) cables.
These are aluminum or steel conductors with a thin copper coating. They are made by encasing a rod of aluminum or steel in a layer of copper strip, welded along the seam to completely encase the metal. The entire rod is drawn through rollers to condense the diameter to as little as 0.1mm. Aluminum and steel are both cheaper but less conductive than copper. CCA and CCS cables may therefore be more affordable but less effective with poor performance compared to 100% copper. They also have a much lower melting point.
Two important components of the cable are the outer sheath and insulation. Both provide protection for the cables. The outer sheath is oil and chemical resistant and serves as protection against fire hazards. The inner insulation is located between the cable’s center conductor and sheath. It is a non-conductive material resistant to the flow of electric currents to prevent electrical leakage. In essence, it prevents the electric current from coming into contact with other conductors. It also preserves the integrity of the wire by protecting against heat and water. The safety and effectiveness of the jumper cable wires will depend on its insulation.
Heavy Duty Clamps
Heavy duty clamps such as alligator clips are the best choice for jumper cables since they transmit electricity well. The bigger, stronger clamps make for better connections between the battery terminals. Poor connections or jiggle can cause sparks and damage expensive electronic components.
Consider the warranty of the jumper cables you want to purchase. Good quality products can come with a 10-year warranty.
Bag and Instruction ManualThese are nice extras to have, and any pair of quality jumper cables should include a storage bag that will protect your jumper cables and allow them to be conveniently stored in a car boot or inside a spare tire. Correctly using the cables is extremely important. Jumper cables need to be connected properly to avoid sparks that can cause an explosion of the hydrogen gas from the battery. An incorrect hook up can also damage electronic components. If you are not familiar with using jumper cables make sure the purchase comes with a clear and easy-to-understand instruction manual.
Jumper Cable FAQ
Q: How do you connect jumper cables?
A: Positive to positive and negative to negative is crucial when jump-starting a car. Connect the positive jumper cable clamp to the positive terminal of the weak battery. Connect the second positive clamp to the corresponding point of the good battery. Then connect the negative on the good battery and the negative clamp to the engine block or other grounded metal as far as possible from the battery. You want to avoid sparks in the area of the explosive hydrogen gas that emits from the battery.
Q: Which battery terminal should you connect first when using jumper cables?
A: The safest way to attach jumper cables is to attach one red cable clamp to the positive terminal on the dead battery and then the other end of the same cable to the positive terminal on the working battery.
Q: What happens if jumper cables are connected incorrectly?
A: The polarity of the electrical system will be reversed on the faulty vehicle for a few seconds when the jumper cables are connected incorrectly. This can damage many of the electronic components irreparably.