The Future of Reading
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Digital tools advance beyond screens that talk and play videos, connecting readers to authors and online fan communities.
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They’re preparing for a future in which materials can be checked out and read from a home computer, smart phone or e-reader.
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Writers are bypassing the traditional route to bookstore shelves and self-publishing their works online. By selling directly to readers, authors get a larger slice of the sale price.
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He foresees the evolution of reading from a solitary pursuit into a communal, electronically networked activity — something he calls social reading.
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Russ Grandinetti, the head of content for’s Kindle business, talks about Amazon’s plans for its rapidly growing Kindle business.
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Powerful scanners allow for the preservation and easy dissemination of ancient texts, but the volume of material waiting to be processed is enormous.
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The website gives them the chance to make money by selling books, as well as their favorite products, directly to consumers
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