
At a glance: The project

At a glance Project: Remodel and second-story addition to transform a three-bedroom, 1 1/2 -bathroom house in 1,500 square feet to four bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms in 3,000 square feet.Owner/builder: Aaron RaymondArchitectural design: Montelle Mitchell Residential Design, Los Angeles, (323) 290-9074Engineer: Gorgy Engineering, Glendale, (818) 507-5747Plumber: Kelvin Ige, Los AngelesHVAC: Aaron RaymondElectrical: Aaron and Homer RaymondWindows: Associated Building Materials, Los Angeles, (323) 266-3383Fireplace: Westside Fireplace, Los Angeles, (310) 275-9909Cabinets: Chris’s Cabinets & Plumbing, Los Angeles, (323) 753-9461Insulation: RB Insulation, Redondo Beach, (323) 751-3234Painting: Aaron and Homer Raymond-- Kathy Price-Robinson
