
Let there be light, a microwave and maybe even a circular saw

For me, plugging into an outlet in the middle of a meadow, miles from the nearest paved road or utility line, was nearly as novel as watching water gush from our well. Maybe it’s a guy thing.

Other than starting up the generator and running it a few times at home (while letting friends listen to it over the phone), this was the first time we actually used it.

It’s small, so we put it in our SUV and bring it up when we need it. Rated at 3,000 watts, it’s capable of powering a vacuum or a circular saw, so I can start working on the old railroad car that came with the property. I could even plug in a coffeepot or microwave muffins, if I was so inclined.


If we build a cabin we’d like to use solar panels to power the place; we also have propane available, for heating and maybe lighting. In the meantime, the generator will power everything, including the new well pump.

— Robert Smaus
