
John Leguizamo is right about the need for Latin representation in Hollywood films

A man with brown hair wearing a blazer on a stage with stacks of books and a chalkboard.
John Leguizamo at the Ahmanson Theater in 2019
(Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times)

Listening, Hollywood?

I have always thought highly of John Leguizamo, and my appreciation of him was heightened further after reading his [“An Open Letter to Hollywood,” Nov. 6].

I am an African American man, but have always wondered about many of the concerns John broached in his letter regarding Latino representation in Hollywood films.

Leguizamo is correct, there needs to be more, a lot more, and more often, and with authentic Latino actors in the name above title starring roles.


Non-Latinos, like me, notice the disparity too.

Michael Taylor

Long Beach

Unreliable sources

Regarding Robert Lloyd’s “Alaska Daily” review: “HBO-style Premise That Works on ABC” [Oct. 7]: A recent episode of “Alaska Daily” portrayed a full dress general as the U.S. secretary of Defense — the secretary of Defense is a civilian job not a military position.

Also, they referred to the downed pilot of an F41 as Airman Choi. Air Force pilots are officers


John Meng


Monetizing Twitter

While reading Mary McNamara’s column [“Someone Still has to Pay all the Bills,” Nov. 3] I found myself saying “check,” “check,” at just about every paragraph.


Although the only social media company I use is Facebook, I recognize the elements involved in its attempts to monetize itself. That is to say, the adverts that seem to keep popping up for some product I checked out once two years ago.

I have one suggestion. You mention the percentage of Americans who use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. What if the news media; including the Los Angeles Times, gave attention to each platform in proportion to the percentage of its followers?

That would mean you could only write about/give Twitter one-third the attention you give Facebook?


In 1994 America Online (AOL) was my first extensive experience on the internet. It remained that until about 2014. Whatever happened to AOL? I understand it exists, but only as an email server.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

John Snyder

Newbury Park
