
Critic’s Choice: Exceptional documentary ‘Science Fair’ is back for a return engagement

Film Critic

Even in a year of extraordinary documentaries, “Science Fair” is something special, and if you missed it earlier in the year, mark your calendars for its return starting Nov. 16 at the Laemmle Monica Film Center in Santa Monica.

Winner of audience awards at both Sundance and South by Southwest (not an easy accomplishment), this infectious and exuberant film wins you over by focusing on the enthusiasm and enviable good spirits of the smart, engaging young people who compete in “the Olympics of science fairs.”

In the spirit of 2002’s “Spellbound,” “Science Fair” introduces us to motivated competitors from around the globe, determined to make the world a better place. Co-directors Cristina Constantini and Darren Foster have impeccable instincts for the intimate and the warmly comic that give this film the best kind of human moments.


If you want to increase your faith in the future of humanity and have a rollicking good time doing it, there is no better place to go.

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