
New Tiffany ads zero in on what it means to be a couple now

Tiffany & Co. has released a new advertising campaign with a thoroughly modern take on coupledom.

The ads include the kind of romantic scenes we’ve come to expect: couples walking in the rain or sharing a candlelit dinner.

But they also include a happy gay couple who seem close to popping the question and a soon-to-be-wed couple dressed in their bridal finery with their young daughter in tow.


The “Will You?” campaign, shot by photographer Peter Lindbergh in New York City, is meant to show couples at various stages, from the moment they realize they want to spend their lives together until the wedding day.

And the couples portrayed “represent the spectrum of people who visit Tiffany every day to find that uniquely symbolic ring, the ultimate expression of love,” the company says in a news release.

If that couple is of the same sex, or already has a child, or is young and just starting out or older and starting again -- viva romance.
