Athletes and their smoking habits

Rob McCool, 29
Occupation: Associate producer at a commercial editing facility; lives in Hermosa Beach.
Sport: Has run several marathons and half-marathons, including the Palos Verdes Marathon, and the L.A. Marathon; triathlons include the Ironman 70.3 (in Oceanside). Training for the long course Santa Barbara Triathlon this month. Also plays beach volleyball.
Smoking history: Started smoking in college, has quit intermittently; smokes half a pack a day. (Michael Robinson Chavez/Los Angeles Times)

Rob McCool, 29
Does smoking affect your athletic performance? With any endurance sport, Ive never felt any detriment. Not at all. ... The only time I feel it now is when Im swimming. Maybe I dont have the lung capacity. If I didnt hit my breath every third stroke, I could tell immediately. Do I think its from smoking? Its got to be. For any other sport, Ive never had an issue with breathing.
Do your athletic friends know youre a smoker? Smoking is just not a popular thing. Everyone looks down on it. Im self-conscious about it when Im around my running friends or friends I cycle with. I dont really smoke around them, unless its a social situation. I feel like Ill be looked down upon, so Ill do it in my car, away from them.
Have you tried to quit or cut down? I can go for a couple of weeks, but as soon as I associate something with it, like a beer its having those two together. Maybe I have to break that psychological tie, or maybe I have to give up both. If my friends talk me into going out, if I have a drink in my hand, a pack could be gone in a couple of hours.”
And in the future? “Maybe Im getting too old to do this all the time. I did a half Ironman in Oceanside last March, and when I got out of the water and got onto my bike, I felt pretty good. But then I was biking in the hills, and I started sucking wind. Ill bet if I wasnt smoking, maybe Id be knocking through these. My ultimate goal is that I want to cross the line at Ironman, and the things that might be standing between me and completing it are smoking and drinking.” (Michael Robinson Chavez/Los Angeles Times)

Jeff Myers, 35
Occupation: Video and film director, lives in Los Angeles.
Sport: Ran the L.A. Marathon in 2007 and 2008; plans to run it next year. Also plays pickup basketball games, and does gym workouts.
Smoking history: Has been smoking since he was 22; currently smokes about half a pack a day. (Robert Lachman / Los Angeles Times)

Jeff Myers, 35
Does smoking affect your athletic performance? Im not going to live as long, but its not going to change my running. My cardiovascular is through the roof; my lung capacity is through the roof. I had a V02 max test at my gym [a test that measures maximal oxygen uptake]. I told my trainer, By the way, I smoke, and she freaked out. I wouldnt say its a performance enhancer. But I can keep up with anybody.
Do your athletic friends know you smoke? If I go and meet [running friends] for a drink, and I have a smoke, they all look shocked. I say, Yeah, thats right, and Im going to kick your ass next week. I really dont care what people think.
Have you tried to quit or cut down? Ive thought about it recently, and I realized that its harder than I thought it would be. I wake up and say, Im not going to smoke today, but by the third stressful phone call, I find myself with a cigarette in my hand. I didnt figure Id be smoking this long. When I turned 30, I was going to stop.
And in the future? You cant be a chain smoker every day. Ill be the guy whos older, having a cigarette once in a while, but not chained to carrying it around, like I have to have tobacco. But its definitely a release, like a cocktail relaxes you at the end of the day. Plus, I think its cool.” Quitting is easier said than done, apparently. But Im not too worried about it. I do more in a day than most people do all week. Theres a trade-off. Its how Im going to live my life. There are so many people who never smoked and got cancer. I dont know, if you live your life worried about whats going to happen, its not the best quality of life. I could die for a million reasons tomorrow, so its all about enjoying myself while Im here. (Robert Lachman/Los Angeles Times)

Simi Singer, 46
Occupation: Senior media specialist with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center; lives in Los Alamitos.
Sport: Ran three L.A. Marathons, plans to run it and the Boston Marathon next year.
Smoking history: Started in college; has quit intermittently, often before races. Is currently involved in a hypnotherapy program to stop smoking. Smokes about five to 10 cigarettes a day. (Annie Wells/Los Angeles Times)

Simi Singer, 46
Does smoking affect your athletic performance? When I have quit, I have much more lung capacity and more energy. This past L.A. Marathon I could tell the difference [after quitting]. I definitely feel stronger and less tired, and I can run longer without feeling it as much. On short runs I cant feel it, but long runs are a lot easier.
Do your athletic friends know youre a smoker? I run alone a lot. But Im very open anyway, and Ive told people about it. I like that people are supportive of me quitting. [The physicians I work with] are very supportive. I dont like to hide stuff anyway. People arent judgmental.
Have you tried to quit or cut down? When I decided to train for the L.A. Marathon, I knew I would have to be committed to not smoking, so I used the patch. It went fine. It helped me to quit to be running more. You have to be committed, and focused, and youre eating better, and you feel better about those things. I started up about six months after that. I thought, Ill have one cigarette, and you think you can stick to that. Theres no arguing that this is something good for me. I can only say that it makes me feel good on some level, just like running does. I know I need to stop, and I make efforts, but it just takes a lot for me to do it. I dont know if I should be ashamed or happy that I keep quitting.
And in the future? I havent always considered myself an athlete. At this years L.A. Marathon, I was 17th in my age group. Now, as I get more into really being a runner, [smoking] bothers me more and more. Im already doing a really fast marathon, so why not do it better? I want to start thinking of myself as an athlete. And athletes dont smoke. (Annie Wells/Los Angeles Times)

Jon Delaney, 29
Occupation: Receptionist at Body Builders Gym in Los Angeles; lives in Los Angeles.
Sport: Gym-based strength and cardiovascular training.
Smoking history: Started smoking at 16, currently smokes about a pack a day. (Brian Vander Brug/Los Angeles Times)

Jon Delaney, 29
Does smoking affect your athletic performance? Im sure that smoking affects my [muscle] development. I know muscles need more oxygen, and when you smoke it constricts your vessels, making it harder for the oxygen to get to the cells. So it definitely impairs my ability to do better when it comes to exercising. But I dont know that I feel any effects from it, but Im sure there are effects. I know the negatives outweigh the benefits.
Do your athletic friends know youre a smoker? I dont hide it. People do give me a hard time, though. They say, You should quit smoking. I cant believe you work at a gym and smoke. I just kind of toss them off. When its time, Ill do it. (Brian Vander Brug/Los Angeles Times)

Jon Delaney, 29
Have you tried to quit or cut down? Im in recovery, so I gave up drugs and alcohol, and started going to the gym. Smoking is like my last vice. Ive thought about quitting, because my mom died two years ago. She was a smoker, and she died from lung and brain cancer. So its on my mind. I would love to quit smoking, but there are factors that keep me from doing it. Im afraid of gaining weight. Smoking is a big comfort. Its something I do before I eat, after I eat, before I go to the gym, after I go to the gym. Its all habit.
And in the future? Hopefully, maybe this year I can quit smoking. It needs to be soon. Another thing that makes me seriously think about it is the whole Amy Winehouse thing, that she has early signs of emphysema already. I dont want to be that person. I dont want to be that person with emphysema and cancer. (Brian Vander Brug/Los Angeles Times)

Nicole Fitzpatrick, 31
Occupation: Mortgage broker, lives in Marina del Rey.
Sport: Has run two L.A. Marathons, the San Francisco Marathon, the Philadelphia Marathon, the Long Beach Marathon, and is training for the Pasadena Marathon and the Nautica Malibu Triathlon; also does yoga.
Smoking history: Started in high school, smokes five to 10 cigarettes a week, has quit intermittently. (Al Seib/Los Angeles Times)

Nicole Fitzpatrick, 31
Does smoking affect your athletic performance? “I’ve never felt it running. If I’m pushing for speed, that’s when I think it would be beneficial to stop or cut down. I can run a 10:30 pace for days. When I do track workouts or speed intervals or hills, when I’m really pushing myself, I don’t know if it’s the cigarettes, but I’m dying.”
Do your athletic friends know you’re a smoker? “We’ll go out after big runs and everybody has a beer. I’ll smoke around them. It’s nothing, they just laugh. I’m definitely not the only one. My boyfriend had a cigarette when we were in Aspen [Colo.] after a 40-mile bike ride. Everyone is looking at us like, ‘What are you doing?’ ”
Have you tried to quit or cut down? “Nothing huge. I’m usually busy, or sometimes I’ve done it during training. I’m never going to smoke a pack of cigarettes and then go for a 10-mile run tomorrow. I do think about my body, I try to hydrate well, it’s just everything in moderation. I didn’t notice any difference when I quit, except my voice. If I’m running and smoking too much, it affects my voice. Sometimes I don’t even want one. If I’m deep in training, I’ll have one puff and say, ‘Get this out of here.’ It’s totally random. You have to listen to your body.”
And in the future? “I think it gets to a point where it grosses you out anyway. If I had kids, I’d want to be healthy for my kids. But I feel pretty good. And that’s my thing if I don’t feel good, I’ll reassess.” (Al Seib/Los Angeles Times)