
Leg stretch can build flexibility and strength

Special to The Times

Here’s a dynamic exercise to help you develop flexibility and strength without risking injury or building bulk. You’ll increase your upper body strength while stretching the backs of your legs.

Step 1 Kneel with your forearms and palms of your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Spread your fingers, pressing down firmly with your index finger and thumb. Straighten your legs then walk toward your elbows until your heels are close to the floor and your knees are straight. Be sure to push against your forearms and keep your shoulders away from your ears. Do not collapse into your neck and upper shoulders. Pause for three breaths.

Step 2 Slowly walk your feet away from your elbows, lower your hips and straighten your knees into a plank position. Balance on your toes and forearms while you tighten your abdominal muscles to keep your pelvis off the floor. Do not allow your midsection to sag. Hold this position for three breaths. Lift your hips and walk back toward your elbows. Repeat three times.


Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
