
Strength-training exercise for chest, shoulders, biceps

This strength-training exercise can be used to challenge your chest, shoulders and biceps at the same time. All you’ll need is a set of light dumbbells (3 to 5 pounds each). Remember to stand tall with your abdominals pulled in to support your lower back throughout the move.

-- Karen Voight

Step 1 Grasp a weight in each hand and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and pull your navel in toward your spine to avoid over-arching your lower back. Inhale, bringing both arms out to your sides with your elbows and wrists just a few inches below shoulder level.

Step 2 Keeping your chest lifted and your abdominal muscles engaged, exhale and contract your chest muscles to squeeze your arms in front of you. Pause with both weights in front of your chest. Your arms should be slightly bent. Do a set of eight reps, rest and repeat for two more sets.


Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
