
Bend and stretch -- your hips will thank you

This stretch, a crossed-leg sit with a block, targets the muscles around your hip joints, which get tight from everyday activities such as walking, stair-climbing or prolonged sitting. Remember to relax and breathe deeply while performing this move.

Step 1 Sit on the floor with a yoga block in front of you and your right leg crossed in front of your left leg. Wiggle your knees in a little closer until your ankles are directly below your knees. Inhale and sit tall. On an exhale, hinge at your hips, leaning your torso forward with a straight back.

Step 2 Continue to lean forward until you can rest your forehead on top of the yoga block. Stay in this position as you breathe fully and deeply for 30 seconds. Concentrate on relaxing your buttocks and back muscles. Come out of the stretch by rolling your spine up, then change the cross of your legs and repeat with your left leg in front.


Karen Voight is a freelance writer.

[email protected]
