

U.S. Geological Survey Maps Showing Recent Earthquake Activity in California and Nevada

(Quickest information about location, depth and time; the Southern California network is jointly run by U.S. Geological Survey and Caltech)

California Nevada Region

Los Angeles


San Francisco

USGS Earthquake News and Highlights

Analysis on latest sizeable quake, written up the same day as the quake: Southern California Seismic Network:


Clickable map of historic Southern California earthquakes:

Clickable map of faults in Southern California:

Map of faults in California

Interactive UC San Diego map of recent earthquakes with faults (Broadband Seismic Data Collection Center)

U.S. Geological Survey: Earthquakes in the news, locally and foreign

Homeowner’s Guide to Earthquake Safety (Calif. Seismic Safety Commission)

Previous earthquakes:5.4 Chino Hills Earthquake, July 29, 2008

4.7 Inglewood Earthquake, May 17, 2009


Advice on preparing for an earthquake

Significant Southern California earthquakes

Seven steps to earthquake safety

How to prepare for an earthquake or other disaster

Landslide and Liquefaction Maps for Southern California

Tsunami risks close to home

Earthquake information for the San Francisco Bay Area

Earthquake shaking potential for California

Debunking movie myths about earthquakes

Imagining ‘The Really Big One’

Profiling the Puente Hills Thrust Fault, which triggered the 1987 Whittier Narrows quake:

Tsunami inundation maps:
