
Weekly Sections

Health (Monday)
This section reflects a broader definition of health, from Southern California's world-class medical research institutions to L.A.'s role as a trendsetter in wellness. News briefs, features and enhanced coverage of behavioral health, nutrition, supplements and personal fitness.

Regular Features

Bodywork – A twice-monthly column exploring the latest news and trends in the fitness culture in Southern California.

Fitness Bound – A twice-monthly report on various sports and fitness activities, offering first-hand information on how to do them and what kind of workout they provide.
Gear – What’s new in fitness and workout clothing, equipment and related gear.
Getting Better - A recurring feature chronicling one person's solution to a particular health problem.
Good Form – A weekly tutorial on to do a specific stretch or exercise.
Healthy Man - A monthly column about men's health and wellness issues.
Health Matters - A monthly column about how health policy affects all our lives.
In the Lab - A weekly briefing on promising research or medical studies.

Outdoors (Tuesday)
Outdoors is the definitive source of journalism about nature, outdoor recreation and the environment for Southern California and the West. It offers a mix of stories, essays and service information representing the wide range of topics of interest to the diverse community of outdoors enthusiasts.

Regular Features

Wild West – Christopher Reynolds writes weekly about his outdoor experiences in the American West.

The Outdoors Digest – General outdoor news and information:
- "Field Guide" – A nature-watcher's companion to the outdoors
- "Outfitter" – Learn about the newest gear and gadgets, from the stickiest climbing shoes and the slickest board bottoms to the brightest LED headlamps and lightest water filters for outsmarting giardiasis.
- News Briefs

Semi-Secret – Periodic profiles of outdoor discoveries.
Outdoors Institute – Julie Sheer's how-to column offers an up-close look at local adventures.
Outdoors Almanac – Recreational and educational activities. The latest Southland fishing and sky reports. Outdoor recreation area closures.

Food (Wednesday)
There is no place in the country with a food and wine scene as exciting as the one in California. Features on home cooking, entertainment, wine and restaurants.

Regular Features

The California Cook – Russ Parsons takes a creative, easygoing approach to seasonal cooking, with original recipes that complement the way we live, eat and entertain.

Matters of Taste – Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Shaw casts a discerning eye on the world of wine and food.
The Review – Weekly restaurant reviews by S. Irene Virbila.
Expanded Restaurant Coverage – Southern California restaurant news, S. Irene Virbila's four-star reviews and Counter Intelligence's visits beyond the mainstream.

Highway One (Wednesday)
High-performance auto coverage includes reviews of the newest car models, latest automotive industry news and advice on keeping cars running at their best.

Regular Features

First Drive – Reviews of the top new cars and trucks

Your Wheels – Information you need to know if you own a car in Southern California.
Events Calendar – Car shows and other automotive happenings in and around Southern California.

Home (Thursday)
Capture the full and diverse experience of home life in Southern California, from its rich history of architectural and garden styles to the latest trend-setting home designs.

Regular Features

Inner Life – Architecture and design. Beautiful, dramatic photography of interesting people in interesting spaces.

Greening – Peek into private gardens that reflect the lush abundance of flora and Southern California landscaping designs.
Electrons – Reviews of the newest high-tech gizmos, personally tested by The Times staff.
Wanted – The Times' picks of great new products on the market for both indoor and outdoor living, and where to find them.
Personal Assistant – Service-oriented features on a variety of subjects, from how to polish antiques to caring for your pets.
Between Us – How we live and relate to family, friends, neighbors and housekeepers at home.

Calendar Weekend (Thursday)
Whether it's cool jazz, hot rock, an exotic drink or an after-hours club, an urban adventure or one in your own backyard, this magazine-size weekly guide to going out includes exciting new features and more listings on the best, the newest and the most surprising.

Regular Features

8 Days – An expanded list of concerts, nightlife, clubs, theater, galleries, movies, museums and more.

The Arts – Features on movies, pop music, dance, performance art, the gallery scene, art exhibitions, museum offerings and "Buzz Bands," a column on the local band scene.
The Alternatives – Stories on places, culture and lifestyle:
- "Buzz Books," a feature on readings by bestselling authors
- "Crash Course," a quick look at interesting and unusual classes around town
- "Road Trip," a how-to guide to one-day urban adventures
- "15 Minutes with...," a conversation with the people who make the city work, from the valet at the Beverly Hills Hotel to the ticket-taker at the Mann Chinese Theatre.
Going Out – These features capture the entertainment/dining scene around town:
- "Single in the City," a column on the single life
- "Buzz Clubs," the club-goer and DJ scene
- "Critics Notebook," new dining options
- "A Night at...," the hip, hot night spots around town
Staying In – This section covers the latest DVD and video releases, as well as the home entertainment/lifestyle scene, from how to throw an anti-Super Bowl party to the newest Internet trends to the best chair for all those armchair quarterbacks.
With the Kids – Features on places and events geared to families with children and explores both entertainment and lifestyle options, from the symphony for kids to how to start a rock collection.
Final Shot – A destination page:
- "Will Call," a rundown of which pop, theater and music tickets are going on sale
- "My Favorite Weekend"
Comics Plus – This pullout section features the daily black-and-white comic strips, Dear Abby and crossword puzzle.