
TextPad info from LAT wiki

Using central code library in TextPad

If you use TextPad (for which we have a site license), you can access our central code library, which contains commonly used code for building the center, hotdogs, blurbs, etc. Here’s how:

• Move any personal code books you’ve created to C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\Samples (if they’re not already there) -- TextPad should continue to find them in this location.

• Under the “Configure” menu, go to “Preferences”

• Click on the “Folders” category

• Select “Clip Library” and enter \\Lantfs97\newmedia\Process\EDITORIAL\SNIPPETS in the text field.

• Hit OK.

• On the “View” menu, select “Clip Library” if it’s not already visible.

• Right-click on the clib library pulldown menu and hit “Refresh” (or restart TextPad)

• Find the clip library on the bottom of the left panel and click the header pulldown.

• You’ll find several code books:

LAT Blurb Code: Contains code for basic blurb building

LAT Center Code: Contains center templates and code for commonly used center elements

LAT Hotdog Code: Contains hotdog templates and code for commonly used hotdog elements

• Note: Activating the shared code library will deactivate existing custom libraries you’ve created unless you move them to C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\Samples.

Setting TextPad to double-click properly

Have you ever thought: Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to select an entire slug by double-clicking it? Well, you can! Just follow these steps:

• In TextPad, open Preferences (under the “Configure” menu)

• Expand the “Document Classes” hierarchy by clicking the +

• Expand the “HTML” filetype

• Click “Syntax”

• Look for “Other characters in words” and enter “_-” (that’s underscore hyphen without quotes or spaces)


• Do the same for the “Text” filetype

This also helps when you’re using code snippets, because it allows you to double-click the text that says “-----HEADLINE-HERE-----” and select the whole thing.
