
For the record - May 19, 2012

Times correction: A For the Record item in the May 18 Section A erroneously corrected a May 17 article about an illegal immigrant seeking to become a lawyer. As the original article correctly said, Sergio C. Garcia passed a moral examination; it was not an oral examination.

Around the Galleries: In the May 18 Calendar section’s Around the Galleries, a review of the Daniel Aksten exhibition “Support, Edge, Variation” at CB1 Gallery in Los Angeles said the gallery was closed Mondays through Wednesdays. CB1 is closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

Roger Waters: In the May 17 Calendar section, a Weekend Picks item about Roger Waters’ performance of “The Wall” at the Coliseum on Saturday said that he had performed the album at Coachella in 2008. Waters performed “Dark Side of the Moon” at the music festival that year.

Facebook IPO: A May 17 article in Section A about the economic boom in Silicon Valley said that Tony Hsieh was the founder of online shoe retailer Zappos. Hsieh is the firm’s chief executive.
