
Polling place guide for voters

From a Times Staff Writer

I planned to vote via absentee ballot but have not yet voted. Can I drop off my ballot at a polling place today?

Vote-by-mail ballots can be dropped off at any polling station on election day. California doesn’t accept any votes received after 8 p.m. election day. Thousands of mail-in ballots arrive late for every election and are not counted, officials say.

You can also authorize in writing a close relative or person in your household to drop the ballot off for you. Los Angeles and Orange county polling stations will have designated boxes for mail-in ballots.


How do I find my polling place?

Voters can check the back of their sample ballots, check the county registrar’s website (,, or call the registrar’s office: Los Angeles: (800) 815-2666; Orange County: (714) 567-7600; or check The Times’ website,

In Riverside County:;

In San Bernardino County:;


In Ventura County: https://recorder.countyofventura

Can I take my sample ballot into the voting booth?

Voters are encouraged to use the sample ballot as a reference. Remember to take your sample ballot out of the booth after you have voted.

Why can’t independent voters cast ballots for Republicans?

In California, the modified closed primary means that parties decide whether unaffiliated voters may participate.


The Greens, Libertarians, Peace and Freedom Party and GOP restricted their primaries to registered members.

Independents can choose to vote for a Democratic candidate or for one of the three contenders from the American Independent Party.

What are the voting hours?

Most polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

What resources are available from the Los Angeles Times?

* Check out The Times’ California primary election guide, which includes articles, discussion boards, graphics and balloting information.

* Text your ballot choices.

* Full coverage of results tonight, including a Southern California interactive map.
