
Tips for dealing with the heat

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Question: What are some tips for avoiding heat-related illnesses?

Answer: Drink plenty of water but avoid caffeine and alcohol, which cause fluid loss. Drink fruit juice or sports drinks to replace salt and minerals lost through sweat. Take advantage of shade and air conditioning. Children, the elderly and pets should never be left in an enclosed vehicle, even briefly. The temperature can quickly rise to life-threatening levels even with the windows partly open.

Q: Are certain people more susceptible to heat illness?

A: Many of those who have died of suspected heat-related causes were either elderly people or transients who could not find shelter from the heat.

QQ: What is heat stroke?

A: The body gets so hot that the normal mechanisms for controlling temperature, such as perspiration, don’t work well or fail completely. The body’s temperature can rise to 106 or higher.


Q: What are the symptoms?

A: They include but are not limited to dizziness, hot and dry skin, high temperature, rapid pulse and headache.

Keeping your cool

Extreme heat can cause serious illness, even death, and is particularly dangerous to the elderly and young children. Here are some tips for dealing with the heat:

* Drink fruit juice or sports drinks to replace salt and minerals lost through sweat.

* Take advantage of shade and air conditioning. If you don’t have an air conditioner, go to a shopping mall or public library.


* Children, the elderly and pets should never be left in an enclosed vehicle, even briefly. The temperature can quickly rise to life-threatening levels even with the windows partially open.

* The city of Los Angeles is keeping senior citizens centers open this weekend to provide people with a place to cool down. For information, call (310) 548-7671 or the city’s 311 information line.
