
News crew robbed, security guard shot while covering Oakland teachers’ strike

An armed robber held up a news crew covering the Oakland teachers’ strike on Sunday evening, and shot the crew’s security guard before fleeing, according to police.

Reporter Joe Vazquez and photographer John Anglin with San Francisco CBS affiliate KPIX 5 were gathering interviews around 5 p.m. on 81st Avenue in East Oakland when at least two people approached the crew members and demanded they hand over their camera and other equipment, according to the Oakland Police Department.

The crew’s security guard, whose name was not released, was shot during the robbery and returned fire, police said. The guard was taken to the hospital in stable condition.


The suspects fled the scene in a car, which crashed at 55th and Bancroft avenues, police said.

A young man suffering from gunshot wounds walked into Highland Hospital shortly after the robbery, police said. That man and at least three other people, including the driver of the crashed car, have been detained in connection with the incident, said Oakland Police Officer Johnna Watson.


No arrests in connection with the crime were announced Sunday, Watson said.

[email protected] | Twitter: @LauraMNewberry
