
Register now, vote later

Even as Nevada and South Carolina await their turn in the national political spotlight, some Californians are casting ballots for president. For better or worse, the state’s experiment in seeking its proper clout by moving up its presidential primary to Feb. 5 is now in full swing, with voters already able to receive and mark absentee ballots. We’d like to recommend a little caution, though. There are debates still to be held, endorsements to be rendered, momentum to gauge. California could decide this election, but voters here will make better choices if they hold off a little longer.

Voters in Los Angeles County may request absentee ballots at or by mail at Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, P.O. Box 30450, Los Angeles, Calif. 90030-0450. Absentee voter applications must be received by elections officials no later than midnight on Jan. 29. The last day to register to vote in California’s presidential primary is Jan. 22. Voters may register by mail or at most county buildings, fire stations, libraries, state motor vehicle offices and U.S. post offices. Information is available at 800-481-VOTE and at
