
Israel’s strategy may be working

Re “Suicide bomber kills 1 in Israel,” Feb. 5

How in good conscience can you show a photo of the grieving mother of the suicide bomber in Israel? The bomber had an option; the innocent woman who died and the 11 others who were severely wounded did not.

What about the doctor who tried to give aid to the other wounded terrorist until he saw the explosive belt? The world almost lost innocent bystanders as they tried to give aid to someone who wanted only to kill and maim.

At a minimum, The Times should present an equal picture rather than one of total distortion.


Leon Sturman

Sherman Oaks


Israel just suffered its first suicide attack in over a year. Why the long gap? Was it because Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and other Palestinian terrorist groups have decided to let Israelis live in peace and have come to the conclusion that suicide bombings against civilians are immoral? Or might it just be that Israel’s strategy of security fences, roadblocks, targeted assassinations of terrorist leaders and other tactics that the world so quickly condemns are actually working to protect Israelis?

Joseph Gold

Redondo Beach
