
The new scarcity

Gas prices set new records every week, water supply is down, and food prices are skyrocketing. Is the era of plenty for the U.S. and the world over? Or will scientific innovation preserve our current way of life? UC Davis economist and author Gregory Clark debates World Watch Institute Senior Researcher Gary Gardner.

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    Does it matter if some staples run out, or will the same ingenuity that produced oil refining in the late 19th century and the “green revolution” in the late 20th century save us again in the future?

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    How does the emergence of large, formerly poor countries (such as China and India) as major consumers affect the global economy and the environment? Gregory Clark and Gary Gardner debate.

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    Should governments be taking any action to encourage or discourage use of sensitive commodities? Is a federal gas-tax holiday like the one proposed by John McCain and Hillary Rodham Clinton the right way to handle a finite resource? Gary Gardner and Gregory Clark debate.

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    Food prices: Is supply really a problem? Is ethanol production contributing to a food shortage? How could the U.S. and the world cope with a more limited food supply? Gregory Clark and Gary Gardner debate.

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    Oil, water, food and even arable land all seem to be either spiking in price or otherwise showing signs of peak supply. Is the United States entering a new era of scarcity? Is the world? The Worldwatch Institute’s Gary Gardner debates author and UC Davis economist Gregory Clark.
