
Letters: Janice Hahn on cyber security; Marco Rubio’s appeal to Latinos; glitches in the DWP’s solar program; flying cars

Privacy issues

Re “Cyber security overkill,” Editorial, April 24

The Times expressed the same concerns I have with the cyber security legislation the House will consider Thursday. It is imperative that we balance our desire for security with our right to privacy. That is why I’m working across the aisle, with Republican Rob Woodall of Georgia, to make it easier for Americans to bring legal action against the federal government if it uses personal information in a negligent manner.

The cyber security bill has serious flaws, but a majority in the House is insisting on moving forward. Though I understand the need to increase cyber security, I wish we had taken the time to craft a bill that took a more balanced approach, one that would meld our security needs with Americans’ right to privacy.


Rep. Janice Hahn

(D-San Pedro)

Rubio’s clout

Re “Sen. Rubio helps court Latinos for Romney,” April 24

If Mitt Romney thinks Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will help him “court Latinos” and address their concerns that he has “moved far to the right on illegal immigration,” he may have snuggled up to the wrong Latino.

If any of Rubio’s relatives in Cuba made the dangerous trip and were able to set a “dry foot” on U.S. soil, they would be greeted quite differently by Border Patrol agents than a Mexican citizen attempting a similar journey.


Paul Burns

Granada Hills

Not so solar

Re “DWP’s new solar plan has skeptics,” April 23

In describing the new DWP feed-in tariff plan for solar panels, Ron Nichols, the L.A. Department of Water and Power’s general manager, states that long delays and poor customer service are in the past. Nichols is incorrect.

As a homeowner with solar panels, every two months I receive an electric bill, an amended electric bill and an utterly incomprehensible invoice. The process is wasteful and impenetrable.


Until the DWP culture changes, the city of Los Angeles is likely to continue to lag in the implementation of solar panels in this sunniest of locations.

Michael Jura

Los Angeles


Re “When cars fly,” Business, April 20

Flying cars — great! Drunk fliers. Litter from 100 feet. Kids joy-flying.

GPS and air bags may offer more safety for the drivers of flying cars, but what about those of us on the ground?

Steven Young

Long Beach
