
Letters: More or less parking in L.A.?

Re “For a better L.A., less parking?,” Editorial, Aug. 16

I recently returned from a trip to Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. In each country there was widespread use of bicycles and public transit. There are huge bike parking stations in all the major cities and a simple system of bike rentals.

Additionally, there is a more tolerant attitude from pedestrians, who don’t get irate at bicyclists who sometimes have to use the sidewalk when there is no bike path.


Americans, and particularly Californians, need to rethink their right to drive. Perhaps the next time they think they need to spend $1 billion on further widening the 405 Freeway, Californians will look to Europe to see how it should be done.

Stephen Saks

Santa Monica

Though the L.A. City Council’s proposal to relax parking space requirements for developers is admirable, it is premature. Los Angeles has the potential to become a public transit hub, but it needs more time. And easing parking requirements for apartment buildings will ensure that renters will have to park on the streets.

A car in L.A. is, unfortunately, a necessary evil.

Julian Carmona

Sherman Oaks


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