
Letters to the Editor: A new pipeline? More water recycling? Any drought remedies on the way?

Water in a concrete-lined canal running through the desert
The All-American Canal conveys water from the Colorado River through the desert near the U.S.-Mexico border on Sept. 28.
(David McNew / Getty Images)

To the editor: Will Rogers said, “Buy land. They ain’t making more of the stuff.” The same holds true for water, but we can’t buy more water from the Colorado River, and so far, no one’s figured out a cost-effective way to smash two hydrogen atoms together with an oxygen atom and make water. (“California set for more brown lawns and water restrictions as state issues 5% allocation,” Dec. 1)

If we don’t get enough rain and snow this winter to fill California’s reservoirs, then what?

Meanwhile, other areas of the country are experiencing record-breaking storms and flooding. Let’s talk about solutions.


We need enough water to grow the food we all depend on and to provide our cities with water. A cross-country pipeline? Recycling city water? (I say no to desalinization; let’s not destroy another environment.)

Please give us stories about what’s next.

Ellen Isaacs, Los Angeles


To the editor: Kudos for your front-page California section alarm-bell article about the continuing water crisis facing Californians.

With that center photo of a snippet of the state’s vast aqueduct system, I was certain there would be something in the article about what must be in the works to prevent its large loss of water through evaporation.


Say, maybe, covering the whole thing with solar panels? Something. Anything. But not a word.

Having driven by parts of the aqueduct on many a hot sunny day, the evaporative water loss screams out for a solution. Perhaps you are going to write about it in a follow-up article.

Sara R. Nichols, Los Angeles


To the editor: The arrogance of politicians at all levels in their pursuit of nonstop growth, development and endless stretching of natural resources, while touting environmental stewardship, continues all these decades later to appall.


Especially appalling are the endless missives for conservation by residents everywhere, who dutifully endure brown lawns and short showers while suffering gridlock on the roads, bad air and diminished water supply. All this does is save political leaders from their lack of foresight and sustainable planning.

The need for sustainable planning was evident ages ago, but it was overshadowed in favor of power and greed with a good dash of stupidity thrown in.

Mary Kay Gordon, Santa Monica
