
Letters to the Editor: Two views on Kevin de León from his own constituents

Councilman Kevin de León makes an appearance at the Dec. 13 L.A. City Council meeting.
(Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: As a resident of L.A. City Council District 14, I don’t mind protesters airing their grievances against Councilman Kevin de León. But I oppose any attempt to stop food and toy-drive giveaways in the community. (“Violence between L.A. Councilman Kevin de León, activist caught on video, sparks debate,” Dec. 9)

The protesters who confronted him at a holiday event, culminating in a physical altercation involving the council member, disrespected community members who have nothing to do with De León’s actions and statements. Disrupting community events serving the poor and underprivileged is wrong.

Such actions don’t have my support nor that of many others in Council District 14.

David Trujillo, Los Angeles


To the editor: I can neither confirm nor deny the assertion that those protesting De León do not actually live in his district. What I do know, however, is that I live in El Sereno, which is part of Council District 14. And I believe De León is a disgrace to his elected office, which he should have resigned long ago.


I voted for him, and I regret that. De León actively conspired to disenfranchise Black Angelenos. That is unethical, immoral and antithetical to real progress.

I can assure you I am not alone in these feelings, and I am confident De León will never hold another elected office in this city. Nor should he.

Thomas Peyton, El Sereno
